Our Philosophy

Hafan Saff Cyf offers a caring, understanding and nurturing environment. Children and young people are given the opportunity to grow and develop and be supported to achieve the best possible outcomes. As a company we aim to help young people move on successfully, based upon individual needs and with respect to their identity.

We offer a welcoming, supported environment with a range of qualified staff (as required by CIW). We work in partnership with children, parents, health, education and other services to meet the needs of the children.

Moving forward we will be implementing a Trauma Recovery Model throughout the company which will inform and provide direction to our practice.
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Wellbeing of those for whom we care and those who care for them.
The wellbeing of all is extremely important to Hafan Saff as a company. To this end, we work in partnership with a registered psychiatric nurse and family therapist who provides support to the Children and Young People in our care, and guidance and support to our staff team in times of stress, in what can be a rewarding but emotionally challenging profession.
Small is Better
It is our firm belief that family size residential homes offer a better sense of belonging, less anonymity and ultimately greater life-potential than traditional larger homes. We encourage family values and a strong sense of what is socially acceptable behaviour, within a structured environment with firm and fair boundaries
Keeping the Faith
No matter how complex and challenging the behaviour, we maintain a strong belief that positive outcomes are achievable. Hafan Saff maintains its faith in children and young people and their tremendous ability to progress when given time, understanding and sound reason.
Welsh Assembly 7 Core Aims
The 7 Core Aims, based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), provides the national framework for the planning and delivery of all services in Wales. We believe that these guidelines are irrefutable and reflect our core principles. Children and Young People must be given the opportunity and tools to enjoy:
  1. A flying start in life and the best possible basis for their future growth and development.
  2. Access to a comprehensive range of education, training and learning opportunities, including acquisition of essential personal and social skills
  3. The best possible physical and mental, social and emotional health, including freedom from abuse, victimisation and exploitation
  4. Access to play, leisure, sporting and cultural activities
  5. Being listened to, treated with respect, and have their race and cultural identify recognised
  6. A safe home and a community which supports physical and emotional well-being
  7. Not be disadvantaged by child poverty
Quality of facilities
It is our firm belief that family size residential homes offer greater potential to experience a sense of belonging, to have a voice that is heard and ultimately afford greater life-potential than traditional larger homes.
Needs Driven
Government commitment to the 7 Core Aims of UNCRC may be wavering or subject to change. We however believe that these principles are invaluable and will continue to inform our practice on a day to day basis: